On Sunday the students shared their presentations, the culmination of library research, multiple interviews, and collaborative thinking. They were very well received by the monks, teachers, and special guests in attendance! One monk commented on how nice it was to hear the students’ personal take on important Buddhist teachings, saying that their creativity brought these ideals to life. We thanked our Buddhist teacher Khenpo Konchok Tamphel and Tibetan teacher Tenzin Gampo for their generosity and, in return, received gifts of a Buddhist text that the Khenpo had translated.
(conducting an interview)
(preparing for the project)
(final product)
Cedar, Moya, and Simone presented on the Four Noble Truths: suffering is everywhere, way to cease suffering, the path to end suffering, nirvana. They compared this teaching to Plato’s “Cave Allegory”, making an interactive poster to illustrate the connection.
(preparing for the project)
(final product)
Caroline, Kylie, and Taylor followed by presenting on the Eightfold Path, a set of guidelines to live life in a responsible and peaceful way. They made a very nice verdant visual and drew upon multiple interviews to illustrate this important teaching.
(embodying the three jewels)
Alana, Jake, and Katrina made a cake to illustrate the interconnectedness of the Buddha (the guide), Dharma (the path), Sanga (the companion along the path), also called the Three Jewels. They are pictured here embodying the Three Jewels—the cake had already been devoured!
(khenpo gifts)
(thanking Tibetan teacher)
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